David Oh has extensive experience having practised as an Advocate & Solicitor in the IP Department of Skrine & Co and subsequently in his own firm, The Law Office of David Oh.
He has participated in various consultations with government ministries and departments including the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MYIPO), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU).
Recognized as Malaysia’s top IP/IAM trainer, David has over a decade of experience in training and development having participated in seminars and workshops with organizations such as the Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA), Malayan Law Journal (MLJ), Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), Academy of Sciences Malaysia and Asia Business Forum (ABF). He is an MIM and PSMB Certified Professional Trainer (MIM-CPT) and is the Program Director and lead trainer for the MIM Certified Professional Intellectual Property Manager (MIM-CPIPM) programme.
David is also sought-after internationally, having conducted IP and IAM courses with the Sudan Ministry of Industry as well as with the National Electronics, Communications and Photonics Center (ECP), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in Saudi Arabia.
David has been referred to as Malaysia’s “Father of IAM” as he has coached more than 100 Certified Professional IP Managers as well as trained more than 1,000 students and professionals on IAM. He has also been featured in the business pullout of one of Malaysia’s top daily newspapers, The Star, and also in the book “Go For Broke – Tales of Technopreneurship”. He is an Honorary Member of the Association of Fellows and Legal Scholars of the Center for International Legal Studies and has contributed to publications such as The Edge, The Star, Entertainment Law Review and International Protection of Intellectual Property.
Since 2008, David has concentrated his energies on giving away his extensive IP and IAM knowledge. Focusing on capacity-building, his passion is to equip as many IP and IAM practitioners as possible in order to unlock the value of dormant national Intellectual Assets..
David holds a Bachelor of Economics as well as a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University, Australia and combines both legal and financial perspectives in his work as a consultant.