The Star In Tech ran a series today about businesses that blog. There were 3 articles – New Marketing Tool, The Business of Blogging and Developing Ideas and Apps.
So, why did we at Mindvault decide to start our own blog?
Well, we’ve been providing thought leadership on Intellectual Property and Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) for a few years now and we decided that the internet remains one of the best media to convey our message.
What better way than a blog to publish your thoughts?
We also felt that it was the fastest way to inform our clients and partners of the latest happenings at Mindvault as well as the other companies within our eco-system – new developments, new solutions, new partnerships etc.
We are very proud of launching the first Intellectual Property/IAM blog in Malaysia.
Posted by: David Oh on 21/7/2005 4:17:28 PM