Mindvault functions as a multi-disciplinary one-stop shop by bringing together the best people in the field to deliver integrated solutions to match our clients’ expectations and needs.
The following are members of Mindvault’s Panel of Experts



Mr. P.T. Murthy

Industry Specialty Areas


Agriculture, Plantations, Factory Operations and Management

Field of Expertise


Over 25 years experience in all aspects of mill and factory management for agricultural products with particular emphasis especially oil palm, rubber, paper and cocoa industries. Specialist knowledge on improving mill/factory processes and optimization of throughput to achieve better profitability and productivity.

Relevant Experience


Production Controller and Director of Guthrie Industrial Machinery. Over 20 years experience in the Industry with Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad.



Mr. K. Bala

Industry Specialty Areas


Semi-conductors, Integrated Circuits and Business management.

Field of Expertise


Over 30 years experience in all aspects of production including factory/manufacturing facility operations and processes, Quality, Materials and Logistics.

Relevant Experience


National Semiconductors, Melaka (28 years)
Head, Asia Operations, Micrel Inc.
MD, CSD Management Services
VP and COO, TeamAsia Semiconducts, India
General Manager, Valtron Technology, Singapore



Rodger Bouette

Industry Specialty Area


Innovation, Development and Commercialisation of Technology

Field of Expertise


Over 30 years experience in technology exploitation in diverse fields including biotechnology, defence, healthcare, agriculture and IT.

Relevant Experience


MD, Freehills Technology Services, Australia
Co-Founder, Invetech Operations, Australia
CEO, Daratech Pty Ltd, commercial arm of Victorian Natural Resources and Environment
CEO, Industry Support Office, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Department of Defence